To maintain the highest levels of personnel readiness at CJRM, we must develop a total force strategy that incorporates bold transformational policies and business practices. Employing an optimum combination of active duty, reserve, and civilian personnel will allow us to maximize our response to the war fighter enterprises. This approach is consistent with CNIC's Total Force Strategy, which strives to place the right personnel in the right positions, and to provide them the professional and personal tools needed to successfully complete mission objectives.
Joint Region Marianas Human Resource Office provides advice and assistance on human resources management objectives, policies, programs and services. Services are focused on assuring integration of the total personnel management program objectives with the mission, functions, operating programs and work processes of the organizations served. Specialists provide on-site technical advice and services on staffing, classification, employee and labor relations services to assigned activities.
Joint Region Marianas Human Resources Office will become the human resource strategic partner of choice by which all other human resource organizations measure their success. Joint Region Marianas will develop a human resource management organization that provides quality advice and assistance to meet the needs of our customers of the 21st Century.
In order to achieve our mission to provide and deliver high quality, cost efficient, human resource programs, it is paramount that the organization undergoes a structure transformation to economize its resource and re-engineer and streamline its processes. Implementation of processes that leverage on information techonology is critical of the stated mission.
Space-Available and Space-Required Quick Reference Guide:
PDF: Guidelines for Travel